It's a common question: what's your style? But it can be a complicated answer. It shouldn't have to be hard though. Finding your style is easier than you think, and the answer lies right at your fingertips (thanks technology).
It’s not as complicated as you might think. We are bombarded with videos and imagery every second of every day. Of course, there will be ones that jump out at you or stick with you. Save that insta pic that caught your eye. Dog ear that page in the magazine. Snap a pic inside your favorite restaurant. I have a bone to pick with Pinterest (more on that another time) but dare I say, browse your Pinterest and start a board of images that you simply like, don’t overthink it.
Soon enough you’ll have a collection of images that most likely have some sort of common thread that you didn’t even know existed. Now, look back on your saved pics. Is there a common color theme? Style period? Specific pattern or material? Together, all of these elements speak to your taste.
Now that we have the common elements picked out, we can start labeling what they mean. Don’t stress if you’re not familiar with the terms, that’s what google is for. In your images, are you seeing lots of color and pattern? You could be drawn to eclectic design! Lots of wood and clean lines? Could be a mid-century vibe! Neutral tones and organic shapes? I’d call that earthy modern. Your style doesn’t have to be just one label. It’s probably a combination of several different styles and that’s what makes it uniquely yours!
There you have it! With a little bit of scrolling and some research, you can pin point your style in no time. Defining your taste gives you confidence in your choices and leads to an end result you are sure to love!